Under my skin.

Have you heard about THIS ??

The skin lightening industry is BOOMING in India ... and the "fairness industry" accounts for 60 percent of skincare sales, bringing in $140 million a year.

I am still amazed at the number of commercials on tv here, selling skin lightening cream.

The imagery in these commercials is quite disgusting, if I'm honest with you.  The concept in these commercials is quite disturbing as the voiceover implies ithat you will (1) get farther ahead with lighter skin (2) have an easier time at life in general with lighter skin and even (3) be more of a valued individual in society as a whole with lighter skin.

I find it kind of ironic in a city where even MY skin color stands out amongst the crowds, that anyone intentionally would choose to lighten the color of their face.  Why is there such a negative impression here about darker skin?

Where I come from, most people brag about their tans and darker skin during the summer and bemoan the arrival of fall (because those tan lines fade quickly).  Jealousy abounds back home when you see a friend sporting her tan and the first question is "ooooh, where did YOU go for summer vacation?"

I have never disliked my skin tone, so maybe my ability to understand the notion of changing the way you look is just not there. There are some great shades that compliment my "color", I don't sunburn easily, I blend in quite easily in lots of nationalities and my "tan" never fades.

It is hard for me to fathom why someone would go to great lengths to attempt to so drastically change their appearance.

But ... is it any different though, than cosmetic surgery? Wearing contacts over glasses? Doing situp after situp in an effort to tighten the ole abs?

I guess we all have different things about us that we'd like to change.  May I shouldn't be harsh on those who use creams such as this, and just accept that companies will always sell products to those who wish to purchase them.  If the need is there, someone will always fill that need and sell a cream, product, a self-help book, a dvd on how to cook better, whittle your waistline, or perfect your golf swing.

Maybe it's just all about being comfortable in your own skin?
