Is it cheating to copy/paste what my mama is writing about Terran's time in Kenya?  I won't cheat 100% ... I'll just copy half of her post, and then you can read the remainder of the post over at her blog (linked later in the post).

(I didn't ask her if I could do this, but I figure it's not a violation of copyright or anything when it's your own flesh and blood, right?)

Terran: exposure to education

Terran is currently 16 and will be a junior next year. This is the age when many start considering which particular field of study or future career they might want to focus on. One of the aims of his stay with me was to expose him to some of the struggles of getting an education in Kenya as well as a few ways to challenge his own thoughts.

We visited Turning Point, an NGO in Kibera (one of Nairobi's large slums). Many children living is such slums are unable to attend school for a variety of reasons. One of the primary goals of Turning Point is to prepare children for primary or secondary school. During our three visits, Terran interacted with the kids and did a bit of volunteering.

Tony is my friend, Agnes', oldest son. Even though he's 18, due to many circumstances outside of his control, he's only reached eighth grade. Undeterred by being one of the oldest students in his class, he is very determined to reach secondary school! Terran offered to pay for ...

Read the rest of this story HERE.
