You know that feeling when you're getting ready for a trip ... and you start packing too early, or you do the opposite and wait until the last minute and pack in a frantic state?
Or the feeling when you can't go to sleep the night before a big event ... either because you're afraid your alarm won't go off in time, or simply that your mind won't rest?
I realized this morning that it's how I've felt for the last two weeks. Wishing more than anything that I could have some answers so that I could move forward and start to pack (figuratively) ... or hunker down in and continue to make our life here.
I feel like I really just want to sleep from now until we hear some news ... but on the other hand, keep getting reminded that NOW is the opportune time to really snuggle in, enjoy my kids and just relax.
Todd was supposed to have talked to the last of "the guys" this morning, but it's been postponed. I can't tell you how antsy that makes me. I need to get banking my emotional state on a calendar day.
Written on Monday, February 23rd ... still can't post or say anything "in real life" or in the blogosphere, so I'm simply recording ... writing ... capturing my feelings in the hopes that it makes me feel better ....