
The great debate going on in our house right now:

20 foot sea shipment container vs. a 40 foot sea shipment container.

The difference between the two containers is a price variance of $2,000.

"Queen Mover Lady" says we *should* be fine with a 20 foot container ... but she can't promise anything.


Is it worth my energy to go through some of the boxes currently in the ship pile, to reduce our sea shipment with *stuff* that is quite possibly just crap anyway?

Is it worth $2,000 to SAVE some of my energy and just ship it all and say, the hell with it?

I'm leaning towards doing some more purging and saving that $2,000 -- even if it IS the company's money that I'm saving. I'd rather not have those random boxes arriving in India and having to find a place for that *stuff* ...

Or at least I think that's the direction I'm leaning.

Stay tuned ...