Happy International Left Handers Day!!

In reading my morning paper, The Times of India, I came across a little blurb about today being International Left Handers Day.

I join the ranks of some pretty cool people in that we are left-handed ::  (all the cool kids are left handed!)

Mahatma Gandhi
Barack Obama
George Bush
Bill Clinton
Harry Truman
John F. Kennedy
Benjamin Franklin
Ronald Reagan
Julius Ceasar
Pablo Picasso
Leonardo da Vinci
Oprah Winfrey

It appears its pretty cool to be left-handed.  That list is pretty impressive ...  BUT according to the cultural norms of India, it can actually be QUITE the problem.

You see, in India, you are not supposed to eat with your left hand.  (the left hand is typically used to clean up after you've done your business in the bathroom, so ...)

I haven't really been in a setting yet where I look out of place, so I am not too terribly worried about it, but it still does give me pause when I sit down for a bite to eat.
