I'm pretty sure that I've dressed up every year since Terran was born ... I "think"?

I've been Eve, Carman Miranda, Cleopatra, a robot, a genie, a mermaid, school girl (not a naughty one, of course), a witch, a judge, an angel, a devil and a whole host of other fun getups.

This year, I was stressing just a smidge about wearing the same costume again, let alone two years in a row.

I stopped into the AWA Thrift Store for kicks and giggles just to see what fun things had been delivered that week.


For the grand total of Rs. 200, I got to dress up as ::

To make the whole thing just a bit sweeter, I ran into a new AWA member at the office while I was in costume and she commented on how her daughter was going to be Snow White. When I lamented that I had struggled to find a Snow White costume for Mia, she exclaimed "well, I have two and you are welcome to borrow one!"

We had a very busy and festive Halloween weekend, including the yearly costume parade at Mia's school, an AWA craft party with a halloween theme, trick-or-treating in the neighborhood (organized by one of the fellow expat moms) and the annual Fall Fiesta at the kids' school.

A couple of other images from our Halloween this year, including the classic moment when we were trick-or-treating and got fogged out with mosquito treatment being carted around on the back of a bicycle.
