
Awhile back, I signed up for a daily email called "Notes from the Universe." They are foo-foo, out there and a bit on the weird side ... BUT they also sometimes have a nice take-home thought. Some days I hit delete before even reading them, and most days I hit delete after reading (and subsequently scratching my head because of the weirdness) ... but some days I like what they say.

Recently, I read ::

You see, the thing about Miracles-in-the-Making, or M&M's as they're affectionately called here, is that they must be disguised amongst the plain and ordinary events of each day. Until, of course, they come to pass, at which point the dreamer they had swirled around can comfortably be labeled lucky or blessed.

This isn't by divine law, it's just in keeping with the times you're in. Most folks aren't quite ready to have their belief systems blown to pieces with overtly obvious miracles, but this is changing.
Glad you're different,
The Universe

See ... I know ... it's foo foo and "out there" ... but the point that hit me, was this ::

There are miracles in the everyday. There are small things that happen - that unless noticed and soaked up - can get missed in the chaos of living life.

When your little girl picks up a piece of trash from the playground on the same day that you receive said wacky Note from the Universe and exclaims "Look, mommy! I can PAINT this and make a project" -- that can be a small moment ... a miracle, if you might stretch it a bit.

When I get so caught up with my to-do list and our activities for the day, I forget to just live in the moment. I forget to take notice of the little things that add up to a very contented and joyful life.

When I wait for only the BIG miracles and the moments with a huge WOW factor, I miss the small ones.

Yes - the "Universe" emails are a bit on the loony side, but that one in particular reminded me to quiet my mind, simmer down a bit and just relish in the small moments. Enjoy the M&Ms ... the miracles in the making.
