Feels like home.

Since our two week journey back to Ohio, we were mostly anxious to get back "home." I was worried about how everyone would feel since it seems as though we've just left the States, but was pleasantly surprised at how relieved we all felt to BE home earlier this week.

Husb found us a great place to hang our hats during our time in Delhi and I have very few complaints about the space.

One of my issues is that there is very little natural light that finds its way into our daily living inside the confines of our walls. Although as my friend, Miss Pam, points out ... there's less window space to see that hasn't been cleaned!

Another issue is that it doesn't feel very homey. All white walls, 100% cold marble floors, and oversized dark wood doors makes for a sterile, chilled looking environment.

When we first arrived, I immediatey set to unpacking our boxes and placing our home from Ohio into the four walls of our new home in Delhi. Everything found a new spot, save the several tubs/boxes of things that have been stuffed out-of-sight in the washroom and storage space.

Then I got busy with other things. I have started pack-ratting again (gasp) and the house just remains unfinished, disorganized and messy (except for the fact that Sushila comes every day and whisks everything into shape [translated reads : puts things out of sight so that we may never again find them]).

The kids' rooms are the most set up, as I felt they deserved to feel at home the quickest. The rest of the rooms have small touches of home, but still don't feel WARM.

I'm setting my mind to it ... and aim to make this home one that we cannot wait to step foot inside.

I have gone back and forth with wanting to put color on the walls ... and feel like it may be the best solution but there is sme amazing crown molding (some of it marble!) in this home and I need help on how to best let that stand out and make its presence known.

What's your top couple of things that make your house a home? I need ideas, people! I've never been one to decorate effortlessly and could use some help!
