
I'm in a funk ...I don't really have much to say on here ... nothing that feels worth sharing.

I'm overwhelmed with what I thought were three happily adjusted children and their schoolwork, lack of excitement to GO to school, etc.

I'm over the enchantment of having staff. 

I'm weary of the Husb's travel schedule and work load.

My clothes are all turning up with holes in them, and it's starting to just get to me.

I'm frustrated with missing the States, but not wanting to leave here.

I am cold from the inside out and having a really hard time staying warm (mentally and physically).

I'm struggling to even feel motivated to take my camera out during our daily adventures.  

(I know it's time to start running again, stop smoking again, eat better, drink more water, get more sleep and blah, blah, blah ... but I don't wanna.  I don't wanna do much of anything except cross days off of the calendar. Get through a day and move on to the next one.)


I think I'm going to stock up on Snickers (they are my BEST friend these days), turn the music up loud and not apologize for being anti-social.  I'm going to be nice to my family, finish reading a book that I started too long ago, and drink coffee at 4:00 in the afternoons.

I'm also - while I'm at it - going to dig out some sweaters (I KNOW I brought *some*), buy some more warm socks, light some candles and set to decluttering this house.  Maybe it will help my attitude and mood to help someone out by donating all of the stuff that we no longer use (or didn't need in the first place).