SINGAPORE - Science Museum

After visiting Snow City, we took the short walk over to the Science Center. I did not have my expectations very high, as we have been disappointed by recent visits to science museums since leaving Ohio.

To say I was pleasantly surprised was an under-statement.

All of the exhibits worked ... and were amazingly descriptive and educational.

The place was HUGE. Six different main areas of the museum, with specific themes to each location.

(great quotes smattered all throughout the museum)

I think we all need one of these mirrors in our homes!

The indoor water play area was just near the chick hatchery ... the kids got to watch the beginning stages of a chick hatching.  Unfortunately, we were not able to stay long enough to see the whole process, but it was neat regardless.

It was great fun to let the kids run loose and just hop, skip and meander from exhibit to exhibit.  Every once in awhile you would hear "MIA!" and you would see Tony waving excitedly to her, asking her to come see what he had discovered.

Next time we visit Singapore, we'll pack our swimsuits for a trip to the Science Center, as there was a WHOLE separate area outside with outdoor water play exhibits, along with a garden walk and more!

Add this one to your list as well, if you visit Spore with children!