HDIL couture week - Celebs on the ramp

Shahab Durazi closed the HDIL couture week and Arjun Ramphal walked the ramp for him. He looked really handsome in a black suit and cummerbund.

Abhay Deol was dressed like a western gunslinger when he walked the ramp for Arjun Khanna. To be honest, the outfit looks a little silly, but he makes it work:-)

Left: Arjun Rampha, Right: Abhay Deol

Left: Anushka Sharma

Anushka closed the show for Rina Dhaka in a eggplant-colored lehenga. I like the starfish design on the scarf/dupatta and looks like a cute, wearable outfit with a more modest top..

photo credits: filmicafe.com
