Then a couple of months ago, several gals and I were sitting around discussing the same thing. We discussed the "I'm with Sir" concept of being an expat wife here in Delhi. That discussion turned into sharing some really funny (REALLY funny) t-shirt slogans ... totally tongue in cheek ... that we thought would be funny to actually have made.
One thing led to another ... and the Fading Ladies group was born.
There are seven of us gals ... all working together to create some pretty great tshirts (if I don't say so myself) .... all in the name of charity.
Our debut shirt has been a HUGE hit and with barely any marketing work, we've nearly sold out of our first production run!
It says "I'm not a tourist, I live here."
Perfect for those market shopping days when you just want the fair price! Already, we've gotten word of so many great stories from gals as they've worn their shirt around town!
100% of the profits of these t-shirts go directly to charities that we choose on a rotating basis.
Our first charity is Jaipur Foot -- and it is so exciting to be able to explain to purchasers of our t-shirts that they are literally putting legs on folks who otherwise would not walk.
We have many more designs ... up our sleeves ... and many more charities that we will be honored to support.
Check out our website! FADING LADIES WEBSITE
If you're in Delhi, we'll deliver! If you're outside of Delhi, we'll ship to you (with an increased purchase price). Once we sell out, we move to the next design, limited quantities!
Our second shirt will debut next week at a special morning coffee and will be available for sale (and highlighted on our website) on Thursday, April 8th.
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This project may not mean we will be presenting a check of tens of thousands of dollars to our selected charities, but it sure feels good to be having fun and helping as much as we can along the way!
The Fading Ladies are armed with a sense of purpose and an excitement to give back to the community we're living in AND at the same time put a smile on the faces of those IN our community.