
The other day, we stopped to get ice cream at the ice cream cart near school .....

Me :: "Maybe it'd be fun to always do an ice cream stop on Wednesdays"

Tony :: "Why not on mondays?"

Me :: "Well, we need to keep it at only ONE day a week ... so that we're not eating too much sugar."

Tony :: "I have a good idea .... let's stop every day that its hot."

Said ... with all of the seriousness in the world.

It has been a record breaking April in Delhi for heat.  It's hard to believe that it can feel any different than it did last April when Todd first arrived.  Can it really FEEL hotter?  As a friend said on her Facebook status today ... can it feel different at 115 than it does at 103?

The wind is hot and so dry.  It's as if you've opened the pizza oven and are breathing hot, hot air.  My lips are chapped and my chapstick is melted.

There are cracks in the dirt behind our flat and I can guarantee I'm not the only Delhi blogger who has written this week about the heat.

Our car has a handy temperature display, but I'm not sure it's helping my mental state.  To get in the car in the mornings for school at 8:00 am and have it already register 35 Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) bodes REALLY bad for the rest of the day!

We are getting into the habit - QUICKLY - of putting water bottles in the freezer, carrying baby wipes and we definitely aren't doing much time in the markets these days.

The good thing about adjusting to this crazy heat?  When we go on 'summer vacation' this year, it just might feel COOLER than had we stayed in Delhi!!