GMT, UTC, + 5.5, IST, DST WHAT???

I am attempting to schedule a date with my middle little so that he can Skype one of his bestest friends from Ohio. 

He's been asking ... and I've been procrastinating.

A friend from Delhi asked me (after overhearing Tony ask me AGAIN to Skype his little bud) why I hadn't given in to his wish and scheduled a Skype.  I said ... with 100% honesty ... that I had no idea!

When I woke up on a recent morning, I set out to schedule the long-awaited and much desired Skype ... and then promptly remembered WHY I was putting off the task.

Because it really is annoying to try and figure out what time it is in the States vs. what time it is here ... to effectively schedule a Skype call.

I know ... I should have it memorized ... but even the handy Time Zone Converter doesn't help because India Standard Time (IST) is NOT recognized.  Seriously?

So then I turn to the trusted Google to enlist some help.  But then I just get even more confused and irritated by the UTC, GMT, +5.5 and so on.

There is THIS ... which sheds some light on the subject ...

Question: What is the Timezone in India?
Answer: The timezone in India is UTC/GMT (Coordinated Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time) +5.5 hours. It's referred to as Indian Standard Time (IST). In general, this makes the time in India 12.5 hours ahead of the west coast of the USA (Los Angeles, San Fransisco, San Diego), 9.5 hours ahead of the east coast of the USA (New York, Florida), 5.5 hours ahead of the UK, and 4.5 hours behind Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane).

BUT :: Note that Daylight Saving Time doesn't operate in India. Do make the appropriate adjustment for Daylight Savings Time in your country.

So, like it says, you have to keep in mind that India doesn't recognize Daylight Savings Time.  You also have to keep in mind that I've long forgotten WHEN DST is in effect ... is it spring forward, fall back?  But who the heck remembers WHEN at any point in the year those two events have happened.

So after a matter of time, I end up finding tons of "there's an app for that" suggestions which helps SOME .... but in the end I just decide to make better use of my standard clock app on the iPhone, plug in all of the relevant cities back in the States, plus the new location where friends have relocated all over the world ... and in the end, rely on counting on my fingers ... (backwards and forwards) the number of hours that separate us from different time zones.

I'm proud to report that we now have a Skype date scheduled!

Now, if I could just remember my Skype username and password!