MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Lions, Tigers and Bears

A couple of weeks ago, Sally had another crazy idea (remember the last minute Holi party at the Roosevelt House?). 

We were all doing the theme of Animals with our MAD kids and what better way to drill in the lesson than to go to the Delhi Zoo!!

I tell you what ... these kids are reaping the benefits of Sally and her amazing ideas!

I was unable to go as the zoo trip overlapped with ballet and Cub Scouts, but I still wanted to share the photos with you.  

Thanks to Janet, Tracy, Sally and Ann for sharing their photos with me ... so I could share them with you!

Riding on the trolleys 
(which is REALLY the ONLY way to do the Delhi Zoo, if you ask me!)

Working on filling in their books that were created JUST for this trip, complete with questions and spaces to fill in and answer about the animals they were spotting and learning about.

Press Op with Ambassador Tim Roemer and Sally!

Snack time ...

My two favorite boys, Sundar and Aakash 
(thankfully they are the ONLY two boys in my class, so I'm not playing favorites!)