Tea Party Styled Shoot by The Wedding Central

I love tea, I'm not exaggerating, any who knows me knows i love a good cup of tea, so wasn't surprising i would love this Tea Party Styled Shoot, but what I'm particularly going gaga over is the cake with edible pearls...

I received an email a while back about what to do with these inspirational shoots, so i thought i would tell you about it also, the bride asked how best to apply these to an event. Its not about copying every single detail, well you could if you like, but i like more to use them as inspiration and pick ideas, you might like the floral's or the colours or the place settings. Your wedding is about you so take ideas and mix them with your own thoughts and budget.

This tea party style idea can be applied to say a bridal shower or engagement really well, think soft, sweet and feminine, the use of pearls and soft colours. 
Keep these in mind when getting your decor, cake, and outfits. Do mention to your vendors, for them its really helpful to hear key words!

Look at getting some gorgeous china, does cost extra can be worth it, when going for a certain lo

Photography - The Wedding Central
The Wedding Central - facebook page here
Florals by - Floriography Designs
Make-up artist - Deirdre Mahon
