Saving face

and losing teeth!

I hope I'm safe in telling you that we completely failed to inform the Tooth Fairy of a couple of things ::

  1. that we would not be able to redeem Chuck E. Cheese tokens here in Delhi
  2. that mom, dad and grandma deb would not be communicating very well on the specifics of how exactly we would be trading in the tooth for some rupees
  3. that is was quite likely that the tooth fairy would need "two passes" at getting the money to swap out for the tooth

All in all ... I think it was a successful first tooth experience for the 2nd kiddo.  

Even when Grandma Deb said "so, why do you think your mom and dad put a Chuck E Cheese token in with your money .... er ... I mean ... the tooth fairy?

... Tony didn't blink an eye.

Either he has an amazing belief system in all things Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy ... or he doesn't want to let his parents down.