Give the girl a choice ...

I've been slammed recently for my whine post (back a couple of months ago) whereby I lamented about having to choose the menu for every day of the week, lest we get stuck with chicken.

I must add a post-script note that the beef (no pun intended) I have against chicken, is that often what you get here is barely chewable ... and not the quality of poultry that I would choose to feed my children.

Enter Jenny.  She does all of the work at planning a week's worth of menus and we're going to follow her menu plan faithfully this summer (based on items we can get readily available here, that is).

Not only is Jenny a brilliant photographer and web designer (stay tuned ... she'll be soon redesigning Delhi Bound!), but she's the kind of mother I would like to spend time with.  She's a cool cat AND from Nebraska ... can't beat that!

Recently, we took a cue from her recent menu plan and had Shanti make all of the fixins' for loaded baked potatoes.  The beauty of something like this for dinner (yep - it was all we had for dinner!) was that everyone got to CHOOSE.

Mia was happy with her potatoes, cheese and cream of asparagus soup on top.  Tony was beyond tickled with his salsa and bacon bits galore.  Terran kept his simple as well, and I went hog wild and put EVERYTHING on mine!!

My point is ... I think our family will be better off with menu options that gives us the right to choose.  Through the summer we're going to work on that ...

I see Muffin Tin Lunches in our future!!