Happy 15

I am amazed.

He's 15 today.

What a kid.
Smart as a whip (teachers love to say he doesn't work up to his full potential).
Charming, handsome and an amazing jock.

Fantastic older brother.
Has strong arms to help carry the littles and a vivid mind to answer the big questions of life.

Terran :

I am impressed with who you've become.

I'm thankful for the respect and revere that you have for your country and your history.

I enjoy watching you interact with your friends, converse with MY friends, and fit right in with Dad's co-workers.

I am in awe of your ability to put together a lego set.

I love being surprised when I walk in on you reading a book to your sister, or telling your brother random facts about a helicopter.

I still cannot stand the way your room smells, and worry that you'll be a horrible roommate in college.

I don't feel like I have enough time to properly teach you how to go on a date, or meet her parents, or even how much time you should wait in between meeting someone and calling for the first time.

I get a kick out of how much you remind me of Grandpa.

I am confident you are going to do great things, influence people and be a true leader.

I think the world of you.

I've enjoyed this ride with you so far! 

Happy 15, Bear.
