Oh, how I love thee.

I'm not a material girl.  I'm not superficial and typically *things* don't much matter to me.


Upon arriving recently in the United States for a quick two week trip, I realized that I have MISSED the shopping experiences of Target, Wal-Mart and yes, even K-Mart.

The kids were given some money at Christmas and we promised a Target trip

We arrived at 10:00 in the middle of a lake effect blizzard.

I figured we would stop into get some icees and coffee at the in-house Starbucks, hit the toy aisle and be in/out in an hour.


After hitting the $1 bins, the kids asked if we could walk through each and every aisle (although Tony said we could skip the swimming suits).

(this is the look of a kid who is completely dumbfounded by the scads of options in the toy aisle)

At one point, I realized our bellybuttons (says Mia) were growling.  Since it was 12:30 (yes, 2.5 hours after we arrived), we headed to the front of the store for some pizza, pretzels and hotdogs.  Delicious!

After filling our bellies, it was back to the aisles.  We skipped the pet and housewares aisles ... but meandered through the hardware, furniture, food, medicines, stationery, clothes, purses, undergarments, automotive and electronics.  No stone unturned!

The littles were WAY impressed with the popsicle selection.  I think they quickly forgot what it means to go to the store and be able to CHOOSE!

They did great choosing their selections ... and I did a GREAT job (poor checking account) finding things we just HAD to take back with us to Delhi.  Bubble bath, scented candles, socks/underwear, temporary tattoos, rechargeable batteries, to name a few things.

We went through the checkout lane ... and I glanced down at my watch :: 3:50 pm. 

Criminy.  We spent nearly FIVE hours at Target.  It wasn't a forced shopping trip ... the kids were loving every minute of it!

Now starts the fun of trying to get it all to FIT in the suitcases AND keep it under the weight allowance.  Sure is a difference flying economy (1 checked suitcase allowed) versus business (2 checked allowed!).

For the most part, we can find everything we NEED in Delhi.  That doesn't mean it is EASY to find or that it is the same as what we're used to. 

We have 99% adapted to not having the convenience of a Target in Delhi ... but that sure doesn't mean we
don't fully embrace the opportunity to shop while we're back in the States!
