Some of my answers to recent Prompts from Reverb10 ::

Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words. Share the image, who shot it, where, and what it best reveals about you.

This image was shot at Tughlakabad Fort during my Seven Cities tour group.  It was taken by one of my team members.  I think it represents me well, and represents who I strive to be.  Consistently capturing moments for myself and others with my camera, down to earth, willing to adventure out, learn new things and create lasting relationships with others.

Lesson learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?

That I am capable of leading a team.  I have never been very good at playing with others, delegating to reach a common goal and giving up the controls to other people.  My involvement with the AWA and the Fading Ladies this past year has shown me that even bigger than running with great ideas, is the ability to involve others in those dreams and share the load!

5 minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for5 minutes and capture all of the things you want to remember about 2010.
  • our first Holi celebration
  • experiencing an European cruise and all that it had to offer, in the way of sights, memories and exploring
  • experiencing the Taj Mahal, Humayan's Tomb and the Seven Cities tour in Delhi
  • being able to spend time with family and friends while waiting for our visas to be processed
  • discovering a love for pinot noir
  • remembering to play the piano at least once a week
  • enjoying half of a term of AWA presidency
  • being given the opportunity to get to know some of my expat friends even more -- spending quality time with them (sometimes in pajamas!)
  • beginning to identify what makes me really tick and click (and having it revolve around other things besides my children)
  • seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time
  • finally perfecting the balance of our staff so that our home is peaceful and serene again
(that was hard in just five minutes!)
Appreciate. What's the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? 

There are a lot of things I have come to appreciate this past year.  Some of the notable ones?

  • Living and enjoying life in a new city.
  • The ability to spend more time with the Husb - instead of bits and pieces in between business travel, we've had the opportunity to spend more quality time together, and it has definitely been appreciated.
  • Teachers!  Home-schooling for a short period of time (or away schooling as we called it) gave me a whole new perspective on what these amazing people do day in and day out!
  • Acknowledging the fact that long distance relationships with our friends and family back home (wherever they might be in the United States) can still be preserved and nurtured.
 I have been remiss in not expressing gratitude for these things.  I need to write notes to all of the kids' teachers, write more notes to the Husb on a regular basis letting him know how much I have appreciated our time and be a lot better about communicating via Skype and notes home to our folks state-side.