I do it all of the time ... I see creativity or a trend with other blog friends and then say "ooooh, I wanna play too!" ... and then I forget about it.  When I first read about Reverb10, I thought the same thing.  
But this one has stuck.  

Providing daily prompts to get your thoughts flowing, there is an encouragement to reflect on the past year ... and the year ahead.

Like several other bloggers, I won't be able to post daily from the list, but for the remainder of the month, will share some lumped together ... along with my answers.  Play along with me ... and provide a couple of YOUR answers in the comments!

Here are the prompts from this past week ::

December 11 - 11 Things.  What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011?  How will you go about eliminating them?  How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

Whoa.  Heavy.  At first, I quickly thought about all of the vices, the bad habits and started having a quiet panic attack.  But the more I think about this question, the more I internalized the challenge.  I'm not posting publicly my list of 11 things, but challenge you to consider the same questions.  What things can you eliminate ... AND make sure to note how ridding your life of those things can better it.

December 10 – Wisdom Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? 

The decision to jump in with both feet with Fading Ladies. There were other wise decisions, but this one sticks out.  To have a group of ladies work together towards a unified goal ... is pretty amazing.  To help others with the benefits of our efforts ... REALLY amazing.

December 9 – Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans. 

NUTS 2010.  Night Under the Stars.  Phenom.   The annual fundraiser at the boys' school, where I first debuted a sari.  Fun times with really great people.  Food - lacking, but the music was pulsating and a mix of 80s and bollywood.  The saris were glittering. The eyes were twinkling.  Thoroughly enjoyed a night out with the Husb.

Not part of the question, but I'm hoping that 2011 brings an Indian wedding ... it's on my wish list!

December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.

Oh boy.  This one had me sitting in front of the computer with the cursor blinking.

I am stubborn.  I am persistent.  I am usually unwavering.  Quite a few of the things that I find define me are not necessarily positive attributes.

I am an encourager.  I am a motivator (with everyone except my children, it seems).  I am a kick-in-the-butt kind of friend, if you're willing to be honest with me about your aspirations and to-do list.

I yam what I yam.  I don't apologize for it.  I don't change myself for anyone (I don't think anyway ... I've always hoped that I don't behave like a chameleon - altering my personality or behavior depending on the people I'm surrounded by).

I rarely take no for an answer.

December 7 – Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?

There really should be an entire blog post for this.  I am humbled by my community.  Whether it's our family, spread all over the world, the bushel of friends from the three states we've called home in the United States, the people I've met because of blogging or my "ZaZaZu baby group from 2006", the crew from the days of Rock-n-Tot, or our latest addition of a motley crew of expats and great people from India, it is ALL about community.

It's about being able to reach out and ask for assistance, support or encouragement.  It's about being able to share photos of growing kids, share about the death of a loved one, or have accountability for goal-setting.

2011 will likely be about expanding and more intently connecting with what I can add to the community we are currently in.  With all of the various volunteering opportunities and charitable options, it won't be difficult, it will just be a matter of identifying that which fits best for what I have to offer.

What say you?  Your turn ...
