Muslimah Bride - Where Art Thou?

I haven't been blogging for long but one thing is clear there is inspiration and pictures for every kind of bride, but some how i still feel there is a lack of ideas brides wearing hijab, or practicing Muslims, where is all the editorial stuff, right?? or the wedding shows? nothing has caught my eye as yet. and if I'm totally missing something do let me know..

there are lots of hijab lead blogs though - Jana, the Editor, @  Hijab Style did this post so its  great starting point, and she does link to another blog slice of lemon, with a great post, and yes even the title says its long but  its a good read with lots of pictures check it out here

Hamida hijab blog has these great inspiration board check them out here and so does Aaina bride here

Another link from nazma at asian fashion blog, here featuring hijab fashion, the maxi type dresses that are really popular just now are stunning.
Edited 14:12 Friday

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oh and I'll be uploading another fantastic tutorial from Makeup Adikt Asma later on perfect for bridal hijab style and makeup!