Interview :: TERRAN

Pauline from Classy Chaos asked recently (a long time ago, actually) if I would share some of the kids' thoughts about living in Delhi, India.

I figured I'd start with the big kid, since it would be the most difficult job ... akin to pulling teeth. I soon realized that it would be easier to start with the littlest little.  Tony will be last, and I'll share his answers in a couple of weeks.

Terran is almost 16 years old (holy moses ... like in 6-weeks-almost!!) and I have to say, has had to make the biggest effort with his adjustment. 

He recently answered some questions for Marie over at Great Expatations.  While not an in-depth interview, I found his answer to the question "What do you think your Mum and Dad worry about the most about bringing you up as an expat kid?" interesting. 

(You can read his answer to that question HERE)

For some more questions and answers ::

1 - What do you appreciate most about living in Delhi? 

The lower prices (Obviously he isn't the one doing the grocery shopping!) and never ending adventure. I have a more free social life because my mom doesn't have to drive me everywhere. I also like having so many different cultures and experiences around me.

2 - What is your favorite thing you've seen?   

Most people say the Taj Mahal.  It was pretty cool, but not my favorite thing.  The intricacy and the design was really neat, especially in the chamber room area.  The gates surrounding the coffins were cool.  It was interesting how amazingly cool the temperature was compared to the crazy heat outside, even at midday


My all time favorite thing was the small hill town from our base camp on my mini course trip with school. One side was all mountains, other side was a hill station village. Really cool.

3 - What do you wish you could erase from your memory?

Ehhhh - that's hard to say.  I'm not really sure I'd erase anything.  Everything I've seen is what makes me what I am now.  Before, when we first got to Delhi, I would have said that I wouldn't want to see all of the things I've seen (poverty, death, begging) but now it's like "whatever".  It doesn't affect me anymore.  I don't see it and think "I just can't see this anymore"

4 - Was it easier to make friends in Delhi or in Ohio?

I can't really say because I changed alot as a person when I moved to Delhi.

5 - What do you miss the MOST about living in the United States?

The food and just the normality of it all, I guess.

6 - Where would you choose (outside of the U.S.) to visit.

I'd like to go to Russia or Thailand.

7 - Where would you choose (outside of the United States) to live for an extended amount of time?

Definitely Italy.

8 - Where do you want to go to college, or start your career?

United States - no doubt.  Ohio!!

9 - What don't you like about living as an expat ... and the expat lifestyle/community?

Bratty kids and stuck up parents ... they go hand in hand.   I already had issues with "popular kids" in the states.  Since getting to Delhi, some expat kids are just worse. Like, I don't really care where all you've lived or what your dad does.  If you're cool, then we're cool to hang out.

10 - What would surprise people about your life since moving to Delhi?

I guess pretty much everything.  It's India.  Everything is different and always changing.  It's a world apart from the United States.  You can go down the road one day and see a boy who is starving.  The next day you see a cross-dresser.  The next day you see a wedding party on the same corner. Another day you see an elephant, monkeys or cows.  There are bright colors and men urinating on the streets.  The visual scenery is always different.

There you have it.  Terran's answers to some common questions about life in Delhi.  Did anything surprise you?  Seem strange or completely normal?