
I have had this "draft post" window open for hours.  I have so much to say, but nothing is coming out right.





Delete, Delete.

I have 8 suitcases and duffel bags (empty) in my living room.  I have 4 smaller suitcases (also empty) also sitting in the living room.  I feel like I have this weekend's time to get the things/belongings/clothes that we are going to need for the next 7 weeks into those suitcases (and then make sure they all fit into the back of my Explorer).

Movers come on Tuesday (TWO AND A HALF DAYS, people!) and as of Wednesday, we will officially become nomads.  We are staying in a hotel that first week, so as to give the sea shipment ONE more week to hopefully arrive with us in Delhi (instead of weeks later).

I did the shopping yesterday at Costco for our dry goods and such that I'm having shipped over.  Bug spray, mac-n-cheese, deodorant, pullups, licorice, fruit snacks, sunscreen, "good pens" and the like.  I had a momentarily meltdown as I stood in the aisles ... completely lost  -- mentally and emotionally -- trying to decide what we needed to purchase, what was unneeded and had a complete overwhelming feeling of being completely unprepared for the pressure that lays on my shoulders as I try to do everything humanly possible to make sure that our family is going to be ok through this process.

I am so looking forward to the day that this house becomes empty.  Empty of our belongings and empty of the stress and chaos of the last few months.  It will provide me with a very strong sense of purpose as we then plug away towards the next phase in our journey.

I am so excited about the first day of packing/moving because as of that afternoon, all of the things we are having stored (memories and treasures) will be safely tucked away ... and our garage becomes half empty. 

I just prepared baby bowtie pasta with spaghetti sauce and creamed corn.  Yummy.  More importantly than the fact that I actually *remembered* to fix us lunch, it also means that the fridge and pantry are slowly but surely becoming empty as well. 

One last "empty" item ... I can't wait to close the local checking account and empty that sucker out and get all of our funds in ONE place.  We've been operating - somewhat haphazardly - out of two accounts for way too long and I'm looking forward to one more empty status.

I am trying my hardest to not look at my current state of well-being as being empty as well.  I am trying my darndest to put a smile on my face, and dig deep for some extra energy to get through the next week. 

The kids are beyond tired of living like this and I don't blame them. 

Once next week finally arrives, I will feel full up again, rejuvenated and downright giddy to get on with this adventure!
