Reach Somewhere

My mother (who lives in Kenya and blogs at Ministry 2 Kenya) recently wrote us a story about Agnes.  Mom has been wanting to help Agnes start a sewing business so that she can earn a little money for her family.

While it is a long read, the point of this story is well worth your time.  Read about their quest to simply "get a sewing machine."

Agnes’ sewing machine

Tuesday, Agnes and I went to Kitale together to get the machine. We went to three supermarkets to see about prices, etc. We ended up getting it at one called TransMatt.   Agnes wanted us to open the box the sewing machine was packed in, to make sure everything was there. I didn’t really see the need (coming from my American experience). We had to have a guy carry it on a dolly to the stage for our matatu. Of course, we had to maneuver through all sorts of traffic (vehicle, car, truck, bicycle, motorbike, etc). Then we had to pay extra for the conductor to tie it up on top of the matatu.

Once we arrived at Matunda, I hired three motorbikes – one for me (with Wycliff), one for Agnes, and one for the machine and table. At a junction, I continued on to my house and she continued on to hers (with the machine).

Later that evening, she sent me a text that some of the parts were missing (extra bobbins and needles, two screwdrivers, etc). Augh! I had wanted Thursday to be a day to just stay at my house. Now, I’d have to go back to Kitale! The following day, Wednesday, I already had plans to visit Robert’s family at Nzoia Scheme (with Collins). But, it seemed I had no choice.

Thursday morning, I stopped by their house. I found a young neighbor guy that Charles had summoned to try to fix the machine. It seemed it wasn’t working properly; the bobbin thread wasn’t being pulled up by the needle. I surmised quickly that the kid knew nothing about sewing machines, however!

I met Collins at Matunda market and we went to Kitale together. The guy we’d bought the machine from was sure he’d put the little box in with the rest. He was very sincere about it and very apologetic that we’d had to travel all the way back. Anyway… in the end, he gave us another box. I bought another dozen spools of thread. While in town, Collins and I had some ice cream (two servings each!). We had to make our trip as fruitful as possible, I guess.

When we got back to Matunda, the two of us had lunch with Charles and Agnes and family. She was really grateful that we’d gotten the missing items and was happy about the extra thread. However, we still couldn’t get the machine to work properly. So, Charles put the machine on his bicycle to find a fundi to repair it. The same time he left, I also headed home. It was about to rain!

Later, he called me from Matunda market to say it was now okay and that he’d had to negotiate on the price. The money I’d given him for the repair wasn’t enough.

As I headed back to Eldoret, I stopped by their house one more time.  I found that the machine still wasn’t working correctly! We decided it’d be best for the fundi to come to their house to look at it. Perhaps having it jiggle around on the bicycle and matatu hadn’t been good for it. I gave her $30 to buy some fabric to get started and we discussed various issues about her new venture. She’s very eager to start making money at her new skill.

She told me repeatedly, Mom, to thank you!!

After I got back to Nairobi, I called her. She had decided to take the machine back to the fundi herself (instead of him coming to their house). She used Charles’ bike. That way, they didn’t have to pay for the fundi to hire a boda boda. Anyway… she told me it was finally working okay!

“I believe when you come back, I will have reached somewhere,” she said very confidently.

Please do pray for them. Her profit margin will be minimal. Even finding customers won’t be easy. Her plan is to start sew outside her house (there’s nowhere near enough light inside) and to cycle to three market days in the area – Moi’s Bridge, Matunda (Saturdays), and Nangili. Collins told her Nangili is far to reach by bicycle. 
“It’s not far when you need the money!” she responded.

I love this quote :  “I believe when you come back, I will have reached somewhere."

I personally think that Agnes' very simple quote is far reaching in the grand scheme of life.  If only EVERYONE had that motto when saying goodbye to someone (for whatever time frame) ... that they will strive to have 'reached somewhere' in the meantime.

Agnes will work diligently with her sewing machine (although mom just heard from her that the machine is AGAIN not working) in an effort to make just a small amount of money and will cycle long distances to sell her wares.  She is intent on "reaching somewhere" and attaining some of her goals by the time my mom returns to Kenya.

Reach somewhere - even if your goal seems small.
Reach somewhere - even if you don't think you can impact anyone by finishing a project.
Reach somewhere - even if you're not sure of the steps to take.

What can you do today to reach somewhere?