How does your garden grow?

We have just started Week Nine and me thinks it finally feels like we're past the cold weather for good!

My flowers and bushes that I planted last year (thanks to Char, Dixie and Mary for garden-sharing!) are starting to bloom and thrive ... and they are amazing!

I'm a bit melancholy as I watch the seasons change this year.  Even though it is no prize garden, and most people would look at my plantings with a puzzled expression since my long-term vision for my garden is long from finished, I am proud of it all.  I cut, divided and took a chance with plants and hoped they would grow back the following year.  I dug out lilacs, labored over the lilies (those roots are TOUGH!) and spent many an afternoon sweating and dirty while trying to pick just the right spot for the transplanted chives, lambs ear and hen & chicks.

You may think it's silly, but I'm going to miss these plants.  I'm going to miss watching them grow, spread and turn a corner of my world into a greener space.  I'm going to miss watching to see whether they take or not and whether they do better year after year.

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Todd spent Sunday looking at housing. I won't belabor you with photos just yet, as the majority of the properties got a resounding "No" response from both of us. He looked at flats, he looked at apartments and he looked at farmhouses.

I have to be honest. I'm leaning towards the farmhouse because ... even if it means a bit farther of a drive for school ... it means I can garden.

It also means we'll have to HIRE gardeners (which is a whole separate post in and of itself) BUT ... it means I can garden.

In a place where the only thing that will feel the same is our belongings and our family members, I could actually get my hands dirty, plant something and tend to it ... watching it grow.

I'm excited about that!

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I also am feeling a bit melancholy about spending an afternoon today with our playgroup. I'm realizing that not only will I miss watching my garden grow, I'm going to deeply miss watching these little kidlets grow up.

The internet is a wonderful thing, yes ... but there is something about being here - in person - to watch our favorite little people start 1st Grade this fall. All of Mia's "best fwends" will change so much just in the time it takes us to get from Cleveland to Delhi. Terran's friends ... shoot - that's a whole 'nother story. Those kids are going to be unrecognizeable the next time I see them.

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I'm going to miss watching everything grow.