Staying focused.

(I don't know why this post won't let me have hard returns between my paragraphs ... sorry!)
Can you read that? It says "56 in a 35"
All because I lost focus.
More importantly, I had quite the humbling moment with my middle kidlet in the car.
At first he panicked and asked if we were going to jail (when he saw the light bar).  
Then Tony asked why the policeman was mad at his momma.  
I explained that I was going too fast.
(i.e. not paying attention, a million and one things running through my mind, late for the next activity, trying to figure out X, Y and Z, trying to find the right song on the radio, handing Tony his Bakugan that he'd dropped, adjusting my seatbelt ... )
The nice officer smiled ever so sweetly and asked for my license and registration.  I've always had pretty good luck with 'getting away with warnings' but today was not that day.  
He returned to the car (after what felt like ages while I impatiently drummed my fingers on the steering wheel) and handed me my ticket.  
A ticket that equals about 50 McDonalds Happy Meals or 130 RedBox movie rentals (I say 130 because I never return them on time).  
That ticket also equaled several relaxing massages or a whole case of nice wine.
That ticket equaled more than that though.  It equaled a costly reminder to stay focused.  To try a bit harder to leave my to-do list at HOME when I get in the car.  
To block out the mental tornado that is currently going on in my head when I'm responsible for other people while behind the wheel. 
To keep my phone secured safely in its cute little holster and maybe even stop communicating while I'm driving. 
As I was writing the check out to pay the fine, I showed Tony and explained that I was having to pay alot of money for my ticket.  Alot of money for not paying attention and for failing to follow the rules.
You wanna know what he said?
"Momma, you should'a told the ociffer that we were moving to India.  He would have let you go if you had told him THAT"
I am starting to realize that when I give my all to ONE thing, my efforts are much more magnified than when I multi-task and attempt to spread myself (too thin, most times) across the board.  I am writing this post "out loud" as more of a reminder to myself in the coming weeks and months.  
If you see me flying down the road in the coming days, or I seem to be losing focus and getting distracted from something you know I want to devote myself to, remind me, ok?

Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.    ~ Nido Qubein
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