
One of the biggest list items (in my book, anyway) is almost checked off!

The boys had their TB test started on Wednesday. The process is to use a small needle (like a little allergy stick/prick, if you've ever had allergy tests). They basically irritate just underneath the surface of the skin, and then wait 48 hours to test the results.

Both boys passed this afternoon with flying colors, as their "test site" was not raised, bruised, discolored and had not spread.

THAT, combined with the amazingly quick speed of the schools' response to my request for various forms and recommendation letters, means that their applications are complete!

I will get the rest of my information together and the forms filled out from my end and plan to ship it all off to the school on Monday.

I also heard from the school earlier this week that because the boys are both US Passport holders, they automatically have a seat held for them (upon my notification to the school of their arrival) regardless of whether the wait pool is full when they receive their applications.

That calmed my head quite a bit!

Having said all of that though, I was definitely on a mission to get the necessary immunization records, school transcripts and those teacher recommendation letters so that I could ensure these boys "get in."