The eve of ...

It's the evening before we know something.

There is a scheduled call to take place tomorrow morning.

The outcome of which remains to be seen, but I can't tell if I'm relieved to know that we WILL know something tomorrow morning or torn because I don't want to know the answer.

What I do know is that this has been stressful on ALL of us ... poor Terran is an absolute wreck, I know that Todd is a disaster and I am just ... well ... I'm just barely holding on.

This has been the absolute LONGEST three weeks of my life.  The L-O-N-G-E-S-T three weeks of my life.

I thought I was doing myself a favor by choosing a select few to talk to this about -- I needed to vent and get some stuff out of my system ... but the aggravation in that is that I'm constantly being subjected to the "did you hear yet" question.

Honestly, I just want to drink my wine, put the kids to bed and sleep my way through until tomorrow morning's call.

I'm just hopeful that if this doesn't work out, that I'm not terribly disappointed.  I hope that I'm not a raving lunatic and a blubbering mess if we end up getting the "no go" message.

Implenting the "deep breathing."

Written at 7:16pm on Wednesday, March 4th.  Saved in draft for ... hopefully tomorrow, when I can start posting these blasted posts.