On my table

Here lately, my kitchen table has become "operation central" as it typically contains numerous file folders, paperwork to be filled out, piles of things that I need to find a home for (the three words that roam freely through my head and capture every fleeting moment are Toss, Ship or Store). Every night I do my best to clear off the table so that we have a place to sit, as a family, and eat dinner together.

At any given moment, you can find a lone passport, that somehow missed its way to the file folder labeled "Passports" and there always seems to random chicken scratch notes from various phone calls with realtors, the moving company or our newly installed security system.

But I will always find room at my table ... for my glass. Which most often, is always filled!

I'm going to be participating this week in Everything Except the Grill's My Life. In Pictures challenge. I'm hoping to make more of an effort to capture some photos of this experience ... early on!
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