Let the lists begin.

Oh criminy.

I say often of myself that I'm good at lists. I'm great with a to-do list, because you almost get a manual of sorts to follow. Do this, do this and do this.

This morning, I woke up and decided that today was going to be about school. Contacting the boys' teachers/principals and gathering the paperwork necessary to apply to the new school.

Take a look at this:

Admissions Checklist

In order for a student to complete the admissions process and earn a position in the Wait Pool or be offered admission, the following documents and required payments must be submitted: (wait, you need all of this JUST to put them on the WAITING LIST?)

  • completed application form with recent photo (said application form is four pages long) 
  • $300 non-refundable application fee 
  • copy of school records covering the last two years and a half years; NOTE: a copy of the original school report should be submitted, as well as an English translation for any reports issued in another language. 
  • copies of any educational / psychological testing, IEP, speech/language, OT, PT reports, etc. 
  • completed AES Confidential Recommendation Form completed by the current classroom teacher; NOTE : high school applicants need TWO confidential recommendations : 1) English teacher; 2) Math or Science teacher; 
  • copy of information / photo ID page of passport 
  • employer statement showing compelling evidence of temporary relocation to India with home base in Delhi 
  • AES Health Form (all information INCLUDING immunization dates must be entered on our form)  (which means that both boys need a TB shot, scheduled for Wednesday and I need to dig deep to find all of Terran's immunization records back from OMAHA!)
In order for a student to maintain their position in the wait pool the following must be submitted prior to 1 May:

an advanced deposit of US $2000 (two thousand) : payable against tuition, to confirm continued interest in the wait pool seats

Oh criminy.

I'm begining to realize that alot of the necessary steps require steps or action on someone else's part and that I am left in a holding pattern until said other people do said other steps.

Please pray that when it is time for all of the pieces to come together (visas, proof of temporary residence, etc) so that I can finally send in the paperwork to get these boys on the wait list for school, that they still have some spots open for them!
