Reading up ...

I am a HUGE fan of the library ... HUGE. We are there weekly, and some weeks DAILY.

When we first started discussing this move, I devoured EVERYTHING I could get my hands on. Cookbooks, Guidebooks, Magazine Articles, children's books, more cookbooks and must have googled a ZILLION different searches.

I'll be honest ... it's a bit difficult to type "india" into a search box on the library computer and then make the time to wade through thousands of entries. It seems that every book written about India, is simply titled "India."

Thanks to the amazing librarians at our favorite branch, we have some new staples in our house.

In case you are interested and have access to a library, these are worth checking out for kids (and adults alike!) :

India, Patrick Ryan

India ABCs, Marcie Aboff

Colors of India, Holly Littlefield

Food in India, Sharon Kaur

A Taste of India, Roz Denny

Food and Festivals - India, Mike Hirst

Elephant Dance, Theresa Heine

There have been a slew of adult book as well, but I have to say that I'm not to keen on reading up on the history of India - not just yet. I need to fill in the gaps of the unknown (which is why I loved "Eat Pray Love" so much. I have some missing pieces of the puzzle since I've never been there and want to first read all I can get my hands on that tells me what it will BE LIKE.

I've just ordered Holy Cow and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. At $5.00 including shipping, how could I pass that up?

I'm going to be participating this week in Everything Except the Grill's My Life. In Pictures challenge. I'm hoping to make more of an effort to capture some photos of this experience ... early on!