From my door.

When I step outside onto the deck that we designed and had built, this is one of our views. I'm participating in Everything But The Grill's week of photos.

I enjoy country living. I get a kick out of opening my door and hearing the roosters next door (and the horse, the donkeys, the goats, the geese, the dogs). I love seeing the sunrise with nothing to obscure my view. I am constantly amazed at the visibility of the stars (there are SO few street lights here that I usually have a peppered sky to gaze at, full of thousands of stars).

I am going to miss my "country living" I'm sure as we make the move to India. I'm going to miss the crisp feel of the air in January, the soggy but fertile ground as my plants from last year struggle to pop through the soil and start to bloom. I'm going to miss the option for the kids to "just go play outside" in the yard and run themselves ragged, while Donut chases them.

I'm going to miss the geese and cranes that make themselves at home in our pond, and listening to the frogs birrup at night (that's just what it sounds like they are doing, to me - birruping). I'm also going to miss the amazing show of color as the leaves lose their color in the fall.

I'm so looking forward to all of the new things we get to experience, but I sure am going to miss these "four walls" and the land that we chose as our home back in 2005.

Todd has sent off a request to the folks over in India, asking for a preview of sorts of our choices for housing arrangements once we arrive.

Hard to imagine that in just over two weeks, Todd will have a WHOLE new view from HIS front door.
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