Originally posted by my mom at her Ministry 2 Kenya blog, I wanted to encourage you all to participate in this little exercise. 

You may want to go grab a pen and piece of paper first.
And maybe a calculator.

Do you have a roof over your head? if yes… 5.00
Is your house heated? if yes... 1.00
Do you have A/C in your house? if yes... 1.00
Number of cars you own x 4.00
Number of beds in your house x 2.00
Number of toilets in your house x 3.00
Number of water taps/faucets x 3.00
Number of showers per week x .50
Number of phones you own x 1.00
Each computer you own x 2.00
Hours you’re online per week x .25
Each TV you own x 1.00
TV hours watched per week x .25
Number of videotapes x .05
Number of CDs or DVDs x .10
Each item of clothing x .01
Pairs of shoes x .25
Number of loads of laundry per week x 1.00
Number of electric appliances x .50
Number of plates or bowls in kitchen x .01
Number of meals you eat in a day x 1.00
Every vitamin you take daily x .05
Number of daily glasses of water x .25
Every year of school you’ve attended x 1.00

I'm halfway embarrassed to share what my total is.  

On the other hand, I've always expressed and felt that I will not feel guilty for what I have - as long as I give to others and give of myself to others.

My total is 207
What’s your total?
