I received this book as a gift ... although I have to be honest and admit that I can't remember who gave it to me.

It's great fun to flip through it and dream a little bit.

It has sat on my shelf though for too long.  I got it out the other day and -- after finding a red pen -- went through every last page marking the things I've done.  Some of the items have been long wished for, and other items have been accomplished just because of the childhood I've had, the locations I've lived in or the things I've been lucky enough to have done.

(disclaimer :: I didn't officially BIRD WATCH for sandhill cranes, but I've seen them along the Platte, having grown up in Nebraska!)

I would LOVE to cross off the one you can barely read .... "Climb the Great Pyramid"

oh ... and this one?  I have a feeling that "tour America's military academies" might be in my future ... say ... in about three years?

"Pull up stakes and move" -- CHECK!  

"Admit my failures" --- working on that!

Not that Eat, Pray Love is going to be an epic film, but I do wish I had made the effort to get up at dark-o-thirty and be part of the extras crew for the movie when it was filmed here.  It would have been so easy ... they were desperate for folks to show up -- I just couldn't make it work with our schedule.  Can't wait to see it though in a couple of weeks with all of the girls!

"Swim with the grace of a stingray" -- because I've long worn contacts, I've always been fearful (and a bit claustrophobic) of swimming with goggles.  I tried it last week with my friend Pam, and it was a disaster.  It's on my wish list of things to master.

See, the cool thing about The Wish List is that some of the things that were easy for me to cross off (i.e. organize a community Easter Egg hunt (x more than I can count) ... might be harder for you to cross off.  

I likely have admitted defeat in crossing off some of the items that YOU whipped through right away.

"Try sushi" is something that I only could cross off just 2-ish short years ago.  

Eat less meat is something that has happened just in the last 6 months.  

"Understand cricket" is something that while I have the easy opportunity to do, may never quite master.  (Sorry cricket fans!)

100 push ups?  yikes!

One of my biggest regrets.  I have always felt that it is a shame to live in a city, town, state, country, continent and NOT take advantage of all of the things that said place has to offer.  

But I'm a hypocrite.  We lived close to Cleveland for long enough that this one (can you find it?) SHOULD have been crossed off.  I regret turning down invitations to go ... and not taking our guests to see it.

For some of you, "walk ten blocks to work" is scarier than "start your own business."  For others, a tour of the great castles in Europe is boring, where working as a stablehand would totally make your year.

Have you thrown a pie in someone's face?

My point to all of these photos and my random commentary is that we all have dreams and wishes.  What may mean quite a bit to one person, doesn't hold any pizazz to another.

What are your dreams?   

Who is up for the challenge of listing one wish that seems unattainable ... and one wish that would be fairly easy to cross off (with a bit of motivation and determination) ?