Mia has been taking karate lessons the past couple of months and L-O-V-E-S it!

Typically, I take advantage of my friend who hosts the karate lessons in her home, and simply drop Mia off at her house for the lesson (and some playtime afterwards) .... but recently stayed for class to take some photos and observe.

How precious is a group of little girls all in their karate white?

They start with warmups and stretching exercises.

And then ... get down to business.

The Master takes quite a bit of time with each little apprentice, to make sure they correctly grasp the concept he's attempting to teach.

And they finish off the class with a three part posture and striking exercise, while chanting KA - RA - TE.  Notice the tongue in the cheek for extra concentration!

We are hoping that taking karate at a young age instills a sense of confidence in this little pipsqueak, and some extra agility!
