Ok ... I may get a lot of flak from this post ... from both my US readers and my India readers.  I welcome the discussion and debate in your comments.

When you turn on the television or the radio here in the States (or at least in the area we are currently located temporarily) it seems you hear these words an AWFUL lot ::

Airport Security
Invasion of Privacy

Really?  I mean, seriously?

Now ... hear me out.  I get that passengers are left with the limited options of either 1) choosing to have the body scan, 2) undergoing a patdown or 3) not flying at all.  

I also get that people are saying "it's groping" and hollering about being "strip searched".  Is it really an invasion of privacy?

AND ... what do those body scanners REALLY show anyway?  NBC has a video that helps to explain a bit ... WATCH NOW.

Had this technology been introduced on September 12th, 2001, would there be such an outrage?  If the person in front of you in the security line was found to have explosives or something else banned by the TSA, would you still throw a fit about being required to submit to the scanners?

In my opinion (and it is a humble one), I would prefer to submit -- without complaint -- to the TSA requirement for pat downs or the scanner, if it meant that my family arrived to our destination safely and without incident.  

If the threat of terrorism is a substantiated situation, and scanners/pat downs are done away with, what is the alternative?

Of course, my opinion may be somewhat influenced by the fact that I live in Delhi, India, where I undergo a full on pat down just when I walk into a mall for some window shopping, let alone the pat down at the airport when leaving Delhi!

So ... discuss away.  Do you think the allegations of 'invasion of privacy' is ridiculous?  Do you think the scanners are too invasive?  Would you prefer to go back to the days of simply removing shoes and laptops before going through security?