I started posting on Facebook the list of things I appreciate, since returning state-side ... and realized it would better serve my time if I blogged the complete list instead.

Just in time for Thanksgiving, my list of appreciation ::

Opening the windows in the late afternoon and listening to the fall leaves rustling in the wind.  Having fresh air blow through the extended stay apartment we are in is magical.  

The option to get in my car (albeit a rented one) and crank UP the music, roll DOWN the windows and just enjoy the freedom of the road.  It's a luxury I would have never appreciated before moving overseas.

Even though we have a teensy kitchen, I can't explain how wonderful it is to prepare food for my family.  It may not be gourmet, but it was served and prepared with MY hands.

The oh so glorious experience of a grocery store. I literally could spend hours in the aisles.  What used to be a chore, is now an excursion.

Stepping outside in the wee early morning hours, and hearing ... nothing. Blissful nothing-ness, except for a rooster crowing, an owl hooting and the creek babbling.  Sheer gloriousness. Not only that, but having the opportunity to see the leaves changing.

Visiting the Public Library, and having more than one branch to choose from.

Being able to spend quality time with friends and family.

Exploring a city with kidlets in tow, seeing museums, going on scavenger hunts and feeding the resident mama cat and her brand new kittens.

Walking around town and realizing that those walking near you have NO idea whether you live a couple of blocks over, or across the ocean.

Drinking out of the faucets.

Did I already say breathing in the fresh air and having space to just run?

Going fishing and exploring the aviation museum.

There will be more things to share ... and share I will ... in the coming days!