I recently had the privilege of attending a dance performance to kick off a weekend competition of several schools in the Delhi area for disabled children.

Very Special Arts India is a great school that serves children who have developmental and physical disabilities of all different kinds, and it was really, really neat to watch them all thoroughly enjoy the ability to perform for us -- whether through spoken word and recitation, dramatic presentations or dance and movement with their bodies.

I wans't expecting to, but was honored to be called up and requested to light the ceremonial lamp before the competition began.  I then enjoyed over an hour of these amazing children expressing themselves through dance and artistry.

Unfortunately, the photos I took do not do them justice, as I couldn't figure out how to work my settings, and I didn't want to distract them with the flash on.

Some of my fellow AWA friends do quite a bit of work with VSAI and everytime they talk about their work with these delightful children, it encourages me that even though many of them have disabilities that are very obvious, you wouldn't know it with the joy that comes from within.  Their spirit, motivation and willingness to TRY should be a lesson for those of us with no major stumbling blocks.