Pauline from Classy Chaos asked me a LONG time ago to talk more on Delhi Bound about what the kids think of our move to Delhi.  I have held off on this because we just don't talk that much about this specific topic around the dinner table or in the car.  I tried on several occasions to sit down, all proper-like, and ask some questions of the kids to provide you a glimpse into what they think about this whole expat thing. (I've finally got some tidbits from Terran to share with you ... sometime next week)

But, our hour-by-hour lives are just like they were back in the snowglobe.  Spare moments are filled with arguments, singing, questions, tattle-telling, more questions and inevitably lots of commotion.

I did sit down though with Mia the other day to ask her some random questions ... and these were her answers ::

Me : So what is your favorite thing to do in Delhi?

Mia : Go see a movie. Or go to McDonalds.  I want to go camping.  At my school there are pretend fishies. And um playgrounds. I get to do coloring at my school and I know how to write my name.  I miss Ohi-a. I really miss Jackson and Carson. I want my Mimi and Papa and my grandmas to come visit me. And my cousin. Well, Gamma Deb already came to visit. She went with us to the science museum. I wish Aaliyah was at India. I think I'm going to learn Hindi at ballet. Or maybe not Hindi. They were saying words I don't know.

Me : That was alot of words about your favorite things in Delhi.

Mia : Well I like favorite things in Ohi-a too.  I like snow.  I like going to the fruit market.  I did not like the fish market in India. It made my tummy hurt and smelled bad in my nose.  And there were kids there that tried to knock on our windows.

Me : So tell me about the kids that knock on our windows.

Mia : They only have nuffin. They can't buy anything. They don't have homes and their mommys forget to get them dressed. They only get money from people in their cars.

I'm going to buy them biscuits. Do I have enough money to buy the biscuits that Shanti buys for everyone who works for us?

Me : Yep.  You have enough money to buy them biscuits.  So Missy Moo, tell me about the people who work for us.

Mia : Kushal and Surrender and our guards are all our family. Shanti is our cook, Sushila is our cleaner and 'kuntella is our clothes cleaner.  They are all in our family.  

Me : But, what do you think of all of the people who work for us?

Mia : What do I think 'bout them?  I like them.  Shanti gets me white milk and Kushal takes me to school and 'tuff

Me : So one last question, what's your favorite thing to eat in Delhi and your favorite place to go visit?

Mia : French fries at McDonalds or chipatis. I can know how to make chipatis.  Sushila and Shanti showed me.  But they hurt my hands.  I think if you tried to make chipatis, your hands would hurt too.  They wouldn't be good like Shanti's.

I'll try to get Tony's responses to the same questions soon ... and well, Terran's answers may not be ones that I'm entirely comfortable posting - since he has less of an innocent response and reaction to questions about how he feels about moving, about Delhi, and about India as a whole.  

I'm game to ask/post as long as he is ... stay tuned for that one!
