Another man's treasure

Bless my neighbor Kim for snapping these photos.

We spent the entire weekend cleaning out the garage and shed and got quite a bit accomplished.

Through this process I have wrestled a bit with what to take to the local charity drop box, what to try and find a new home for specific items and what to simply trash.

My patience level was short and my energy waning this weekend, and most of the items from the garage/shed ended up in the trash.

Fast forward to trash day, before the garbage truck passed through our neighborhood.

I got not one, but TWO phone calls about two separate occasions that the man pictured above decided to dig through our trash. Literally DIG.

Sure, there were some large items that were visible from the street (but we don't live on a high traffic road at ALL!) ... but in addition to grabbing those large visible items on the first trip through, he also came back a second time to RIP open the trash bags and peruse our trash as well that way.

(no worries ... any of our trash containing personal items has found its way to the burn pile)
~ ~

Now, I don't know his situation or circumstances and feel badly if he is suffering or going through a rough time. But tearing open my garbage bags?

Fast forward again to yesterday. We currently have someone painting/patching the house and we realized that we had JUST thrown away the yellow paint for the basement. CRAP! I don't have the energy to get a paint sample and try to match that color for the patching of the basement walls.

Todd came home from work last night and told me that the "garbage guy" had decided against taking some of the paint, and quite possibly maybe ... just maybe ... he'd decided that our *sunshine yellow* was a bit too bright for him.

Sure enough ... the can of yellow paint was sitting out in our grass this morning.

Bless the "garbage guy" for looking, but deciding against taking that sunshine yellow! Brightened up MY day!

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