Valuations ... Schm-aluations

I am SOOO tired of looking at the "Household - The List" document that I created.

I am sick of looking over the contents of it - the contents of our house ... our home ... relegated to line items.

Everyone seems to want valuations of our household goods. The insurance company, the storage unit, the moving company, the IRS (for donation purposes).

Just how do you determine a replacement value for the itty bitty teensy weensy clothes that your babies wore home from the hospital?

Explain to me what price you put on the hundreds of lego pieces, Little Pet Shop animals and Star Wars mini-guys?

What on earth do you say that the years of memorabilia is worth that your 8th grader has painstakingly hoarded?

How much is the frame worth that contains pictures from the only time you've had alone with your husband - complete with the cork from a bottle of wine, and really cool coral from the ocean off of the island of St. Croix?

I'm also - since I'm speaking frankly - tired of the ongoing debate between Todd and I about what to keep, what to store and what to ship. Don't get me wrong - it's not an argument ... but we just can't seem to make up our minds. One day, it appears that we've reached a decision. But ask us the next day, and half of the "donate" list has somehow miraculously made it over to the "store" side of the columns.

I used to think that Excel was a pretty cool program ... but here lately, am just so tired of looking at it. I open the spreadsheet in an attempt to work on it, and then close it seconds later in disgust.

I'm hoping to schedule the Salvation Army truck AND the movers this week, so that I have a deadline. A date certain by which to make up my mind - for once and for all.

Hey, while you're here ... does anyone want the snow shovels?