Have Visa, Will Travel

I just received an email notification that all four passports (the kids and mine) are on their way back to us, with a shiny new India Visa stamp in them!

Can I just say that I'm pretty impressed that our kids have passports (first of all) and that they are soon to have some amazing memories and experiences "stamped" in their minds forever?

We were just reminiscing the other day and looking at Terran's old passport ... complete with a stamp from Johannesburg, South Africa and then Nairobi, Kenya. Then there's Todd's old passports ... talk about some experiences there! Russia, Brazil, Italy to name a few.

Our children will soon expand their global awareness ... and I'm thrilled about that.

I've long been fascinated with all things travel.

(Of course there is a difference between --- sailing the ocean blue on a cruise ship to somewhere romantic, where your days are filled with shore excursions and mojitos --- and shipping your belongings to be sent across that ocean, where your initial days are possibly filled with travelers' diarrhea and Immodium AD.)

I can't wait until the passports are back in our hand. It has felt quite disconcerting this past week or so to have them off in the hands of the Consulate's office ... hoping that we filled all of the questions out correctly and that we would be granted our entrance into the country, without any problems.

With our passports, our seatbelts buckled, the prayers of our friends and family, and an attitude of "why not" our family will grow together, prosper, and have stories to tell that you might not even believe!
