Moms 'round the world

Tanya from Forty-Two recently joined in the reading of Delhi Bound (welcome and hello!) and has started a fun little experiment.

She's asking mommas from 'round the world to join in, sharing the five things they most love (or don't love) about being a mom.

My answers (my "tagged" bloggers follow) :

1. Because I said so. Just kidding. There is something very sweet and yet very powerful about getting the last word. There is also something very amazing about getting to have a say in raising independent children who are respectful, yet know when it's ok to challenge an answer. My grandfather often asked me if I was agreeing with him 'just because he was older" or if it was because I agreed with his line of reasoning. He always reminded me (even as a little bit) to question answers if you don't understand them, but to do it with respect. I hope to pass that on to my kidlets as well.

2. I love having someone reach up and touch my face with little fingers -- sometimes dirty, sometimes sticky, sometimes holding roasted worms from the sidewalk -- but always reaching up with a tender touch. Saying 'i love you' with just five itty bitty fingers.

3. Watching my middle one learn how to read. There is something very powerful about watching your offspring learn. LEARN. Soaking up the world around them and learning how to interact within it. VERY cool.

4. Still being a part of my teenager's social scene. I smile on the inside when Terran and his friends choose to include me in their conversations ... even better yet when they ask me for my opinion. Really cool when they let me in on their silliness. Reminds me that even as you begin to mother an adolescent, there is still room for them to be little yet still.

5. Being able to expand my friendships and horizons to include OTHER mothers. To be able to sit back and realize all of the wisdom that my OWN mother had to impart (yet it took me THIS long to realize that she was mostly right). To share my experiences with other women and create bonds with amazing ladies that happen to simply want to raise equally amazing little beings.

There are so many more things that I love about being a mother. There are also so many things that I don't particularly love about the job. Those things are for another post.

Tag ... you're it to:

~ My own mom, living in Kenya and blogging about it at Ministry 2 Kenya

~ A Reason to Write in Delhi

~ Auds at Barking Mad