Great Expectations

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I have been immensely blessed by several women who have given me advice, tips, support and all around "You'll be ok" reassurances.

Today, I wanted to share a guest post of sorts from Ellen, of A Reason to Write.

Her blog is on my top ten and I so look forward to posts. She has been my sanity as she rapid-fires me lists of what NOT to pack, bullet points on what TO bring and is giving me heads up on so many different levels that I'm going to owe her some SERIOUS lattes and chocolate when I arrive!

Ellen, thanks for sharing your words with the Delhi Bound readers!

The best advice I got upon hearing the news that my family was moving to India was - let go off all expectations. Nothing is a given. Murphy’s Laws are fully enforced here. And extremes are the norm. You will see a beautiful home just around the corner from a slum - literally a slum. It's sometimes hard to comprehend these extremes. So, I found this advice has been very helpful!

After a (quick) while, some of the things that take you the most by surprise will become so relatively normal that you will laugh about them. Some things will never seem “normal”.

You will visit a monument and you will be in absolute awe of its beauty. You will wonder how the Indian people managed to capture such majesty and splendor. You will relish the stories behind them and share them over and over with your family. But then you will get in the car to go home and you will wipe off your face because you are hot and sweaty and you will feel dusty and dirty and absolutely exhausted. Your legs will probably be very tired, even if you did not have to walk very far. And you will wonder almost on a daily basis why you are here. And on those same days you will find reasons to celebrate that you are here.

Those moments of clarity will come swiftly and they will whisk you away into the amazing adventure you are on. You will soak every minute in.

People ask me all the time - what is like to live in India. It’s hard to explain - really it is. Experience is worth a thousand words - you simply cannot capture all of the feelings you will have on a page or in a picture. Blogging will help you remember the details you do not want to forget - but your life here will hold the real story. How you change and become a different person will capture the essence of living here.

Everyday is different. Every ride down the road is unique. One day you will see an elephant and you will think - wow. And the next day something new and equally amazing will appear. I am working hard to not lose the amazement and amusement by what is different here. There is a magical quality that I do not want to forget.

The school is amazing in many respects. The teachers love what they do. The classes are small. The elementary school principal is spectacular. The children are interesting.

Your children will become global thinkers and more creative thinkers. So will you.

You will certainly feel like a fish whose bowl has been dumped upside down and emptied out of water. You will be amazed at all the places the families here have lived. Many of them move and move and move. I am not sure that is a fabulous thing because my children are getting wings here - but I very much want them to have their roots too.

I cast no stones though. It’s all a balancing act. And clearly some families are better suited to being constantly on the move.

There will be days when you miss your old friends terribly. But you will go to lunch with a new friend and you’ll have a good time.

As I have said to you in emails, I always knew that this would be a wonderful opportunity for my family on so many levels. And even thought there are times when I have to remind myself that it is true, I know that I was absolutely right.
